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Education Awareness program

Education is a basic human right that should be accessible to all people, regardless of their economic and social status. Providing free education to slum children is an important step towards bridging the gap between the haves and the have-nots. It can help break the cycle of poverty and open up opportunities for these children to lead better lives. To make this a reality DDL Foundation started an initiative of providing free education to slum children and showing them the path of freedom. The project was initiated in Kirti Nagar, Shakapur and Jhakira. Our team went to slum areas to teach the children and a total of 300 students were given basic knowledge and sent to school for further education.

Sports Awareness program

DDL FOUNDATION began a project on sports awareness that emphasized the value of being physically and mentally healthy as well as the necessity of participating in sports. Students from adjacent slum neighborhoods actively participated in the one-week programme. Children who placed first, second, and third in various activities received prizes. To entice more kids to join, consolation and participation rewards were also given. The event featured more than 250 students

Old clothes distribution drive

DDL Foundation took the initiative to provide clothing to those in need.Clothes are a basic necessity for everyone, and it is an act of generosity to provide them to people who are in need. It is a way of giving back to the community and helping those who are in need. The volunteers solicited clothing donations, and then only the usable items were chosen to be given to those in need.It was undertaken in Mayapuri Industrial Area and more than 50000 clothes were distributed.

Food Distribution Programme

A food distribution programme was organized by the organization to provide food assistance to those who are unable to provide food for themselves or their families due to poverty or other circumstances.The Food Distribution Programme for needy people is an effective way of providing access to food for those in need. It helps to reduce hunger and food insecurity in the community and ensure that people have access to nutritious food

Earthen Pot Installation

DDL FOUNDATION decided to install over 1000 pots for winged creatures who die during summers due to rising temperature which makes them extremely thirsty and leads to nutritional deficiency, dehydration and heat stroke among them. The pots were installed in various localities all over Delhi near dairy stores, colleges and we asked passers-by to refill them when they were empty.

Provided scribes

An initiative was started to help visually impaired children in education by providing them scribes during exams.A total of 300 students were provided with help and also with the study material needed.

Digital weighing machine distribution

Distributed digital weighing machines to needy people’s earnings so that they do not have to beg and live their life without having to beg.

Helped people in operations

DDL Foundation helped as many as 300 persons who required immediate medical attention but were unable to receive it because of guidance & financial difficulties so they could be admitted to a hospital and receive treatment.

Provided essential items in covid times

COVID has been a tough time for many and many did not even have access to essential items for survival for which we as an organization have stepped up to provide essential items to them and also distributed ration kits, face masks, sanitizers, soaps, and other essential items to those who were unable to get these items during the pandemic. We have also provided medical and psychological support to those affected by the pandemic. We have been able to provide counseling and other services to those affected by the pandemic, as well as provide them with financial assistance. Additionally, we have distributed food and other essential items to the elderly and those suffering from poverty.

Signature campaign

On September 29, India carried out a surgical attack against militant launch pads in Pakistan-administered Kashmir across the line of control, killing about 50 militants. Yet, following such a gallant deed by the Indian army, there were a number of disparaging remarks made about it in public, and the army was accused of carrying out an inaccurate strike. A Signature Campaign was started to approach different institutions like Delhi University, IP University, Jamia Millia Islamia, and Ambedkar University and ask students about their opinions on the surgical strike on a big white banner in order to show our support for the army and our appreciation for them. The youngsters also penned Diwali wishes for the soldiers because Diwali was nearby.

Organizing Drawing Competition

DDL FOUNDATION organized a drawing competition among children to involve them in extra-curricular activities.

Road Safety program

A road safety program was organized and various officers from traffic police were called to raise awareness among people. A road safety program can help improve road safety by educating drivers about the importance of following traffic laws, proper vehicle maintenance, and safe driving practices. It can lead to fewer accidents and injuries, reducing the risk of death and serious injury for drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.

Blood donation camps

DDL FOUNDATION in collaboration with various hospitals organized a blood donation camp to encourage people to donate blood.India has a huge requirement for safe blood and blood components. Each year, there is an estimated need of four crore units of blood out of which only a meager two crore units of blood are available. The gap between the demand and supply of blood can only be filled by organizing more and more blood donation camps.The purpose is to raise awareness about the need for blood donors and to motivate people to donate blood. These camps provide a platform for people to come forward and donate blood voluntarily. They help in creating awareness about the importance of blood donation and motivate people to come forward and donate. India needs more blood donation camps to bridge the gap between the demand and supply of blood.

Medical Awareness Programme on Hepatitis B

DDL FOUNDATION organized a program on awareness about Hepatitis B .It is a viral infection that affects the liver, causing inflammation and potentially leading to serious complications. Although there is no cure for hepatitis B, it can be prevented through proper vaccination and awareness. This awareness programme is designed to provide an overview of hepatitis B, its symptoms, transmission, diagnosis, and treatment.

Self Defense Programme

DDL foundation launched a self defense program to motivate girls to fight for their own.Self-defense for women is an important and necessary skill for women to have, especially in today’s world. Self-defense courses can teach women how to be aware of their environment, how to assess potential threats, and how to use physical, verbal, and psychological techniques to protect themselves in dangerous situations.

Cleanliness Drive

In efforts of keeping the environment clean a cleanliness drive was organized by the organization to make people aware and encourage them to throw garbage in the right place and keep the area clean for maintaining hygienic and healthy surroundings.It is a great way to raise awareness about the importance of waste disposal, and to encourage people to be more mindful of their consumption and waste production. The goal of a cleanliness drive was to create a cleaner, healthier, and more pleasant living and working environment for everyone.

Birthday Celebration at Old Age Home

One of our organization members wanted to make his birthday memorable by celebrating it in an old age home, a place which is full of warmth and blessings.It is a great opportunity to bring joy and happiness to the elderly, and show them how much they are appreciated and loved.Together, we cut the cake, danced, and sang songs to make the atmosphere joyful and bring smiles to their faces.